There are loads of ways to learn about and act on sustainability with other members of the community.

Here are a few of our favourite online resources and social networks. Some are all about sustainability. Others are community organisations or websites that are also good places to discuss or act on environmental issues.

We’re always happy to add to this list so get in touch if you want to suggest more.

Environmental groups

Extinction Rebellion Marlow (Facebook group)

Rowers Against Rubbish

Zero Waste Marlow (Facebook group)

Wycombe Friends of the Earth

Wild Marlow

Community forums

It’s a Marlow Thing (Facebook group)

With 14,000 members this Facebook group is a great place to find out about good and bad things happening in Marlow and talk about pretty much anything to do with Marlow. Also has its own “free stuff” and “furniture for sale” boards.


A nationwide social network for neighbourhoods. Enter your postcode and you’ll be assigned automatically to yours: the site recognises 5 neighbourhoods just for Marlow, plus more in the surrounding area. You can follow others’ announcements, make your own or start discussions.


A great collection of events in Marlow, for different societies and types of activities, as well as a pulse on what’s happening in the town.

Sharing & peer-to-peer sites

Many resources can be saved and waste avoided by gifting or renting stuff we are not using or no longer need or want.

Freecycle Marlow

Freecycle was one of the first sharing sites on the web and is still among the biggest. The Freecycle Marlow group is well supported with 5,000+ members. Especially popular for furniture, DIY materials, household appliances and office equipment.


Olio specialises in food sharing, connecting residents and shops to reduce food wastage. If you’ve got a packet of flour you’re not going much anything, or a surplus of carrots from your allotment tell your neighbours and get them used!


HiyaCar is a community-based platform enabling local drivers to rent cars from their neighbours. Or you could get paid by offering your car for use by neighbours.

Engage with the council


We all hate graffiti, illegally dumped waste, broken street lights, dangerous potholes and dog fouling. FixMyStreet is a genius independent charity website through which you can report problems directly to the council. All reports are published online so you can also read and discuss what others are posting.

Marlow Town Council

Find details how to contact a councillor and report specific issues for which the Town Council is reponsible.